How it works

Xeerpa is a Big Data marketing solution that allows brands to explore the social world of each of their customers, fans and followers, by analyzing the information they share across popular social media platforms.

Unlike other solutions, Xeerpa creates unique profiles for each user, storing them in a database specifically designed to help you personalize your marketing campaigns, increasing ROI and improving customer experience.

Take advantage of the potential of Social Login

Xeerpa makes it easy for you to install Social Login on your website, mobile apps, promos and Wi-Fi hotspots. Xeerpa also connects in minutes to Social Login buttons you already have installed, and to third part applications and other plugins you use to manage marketing actions across social media.

Connect Xeerpa to your website, apps and promos using Social Login

Advanced user social profile

Xeerpa Profile, The most advanced customer social profile

Xeerpa sheds a light on the social world of each of your users by creating individual profiles based on:

  • Interest score in over 300 categories
  • Favorite brands, products and communities
  • Social Influence, Engagement, Promotioner and Fan Value scores for each user
  • Socio-demographic, educational and professional background
  • Geo-Location details, check-ins
  • Favorite apps and platforms

From one-to-one to aggregated

Access a range of KPIs allowing you to analyze information that your users share across social media platforms, on not only a macro level, but also as individual target segments. With such granularity you can easily identify what makes your users unique. For example, you may want to compare young users with high engagement scores across multiple custom segments like Runners, Movie Lovers or Vegans.

Xeerpa Dashboards, a one-to-one and aggregated view on your community of fans and users

Compare your users with a global audience

Find out what makes your users truly unique by comparing them with a global audience

With Xeerpa you can compare your fans/followers with the benchmark across the social network or with fans/followers of your competitors:

  • Identify what makes your fans and followers stand out
  • Pinpoint the unique profile of various target segments
  • Analyze their real value compared to the global community
  • Leverage specific interests to direct your marketing campaigns with extreme precision
  • Analyze the value of each custom segment
  • Compare your social media communities and followers with those of your competitors

Analyze in depth their consumption preferences and personality

Combine the analysis of the interests, likes, interactions and geolocations of your users with their behavior and personality thanks to our module Watson Personality Insights.

Which personality insights affect the consumption patterns for your products or services?

Analyze in depth their consumption preferences and personality

Measure their engagement score with your brand

Measure their engagement score with your brand

For the marketing department, one of the priorities is to generate engagement and thanks to the module Xeerpa Engagement you can:

  • Measure the interactions of your users with the published content on your Facebook Fan Page
  • Estimate the engagement score of your users
  • Filter segments according to a specific post, a hashtag or any interaction (like, happy or angry face, etc.)
  • Analyze those segments or users at an individual level to know their characteristics
  • Activate them and run personalized campaigns

Personalize your marketing actions with precision

Identify your customers’ social interests in order to personalize your campaigns with even greater precision using custom recommendations as part of your e-commerce and content marketing strategy on your website and mobile applications, increasing your conversion rate. Did you know that with Social Network Profiling you can improve ROI on your marketing campaigns by up to 30%?

By adapting your marketing actions and content to the specific interests of your customers you will maximize impact and significantly increase effectiveness of your marketing actions across all media: email campaigns, Facebook campaigns and other marketing channels.

Increment the ROI of your campaigns using Xeerpa Social Profiling

Socialize your CRM

A 360 degree view of your customers combining transactional and social information

Xeerpa’s API is designed to complement your CRM with social data in order to build and enrich your online content recommendation engine and personalized UX. Xeerpa integrates seamlessly with:

  • CRM platforms
  • Data Warehouse and Data Lake (non-relational)
  • Marketing automation and Campaign Management tools
  • CMS and content marketing tools
  • Mobile applications
  • Social Wi-Fi platforms

Complement your Business Intelligence strategies

Xeerpa provides a social Data Mart able to be connected to your current database and analytics tools. Generate custom reports enriched with smarter algorithms built on social data.

Synchronise your CRM with Xeerpa through our API or direct DB link

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Xeerpa integrates with Salesforce
Xeerpa integrates with Microsoft
Xeerpa integrates with oracle
Xeerpa integrates with IBM
Xeerpa integrates with adobe marketing cloud
Xeerpa integrates with DRUID
Xeerpa integrates with cool tabs
Xeerpa integrates with easypromos
Xeerpa integrates with Sports Alliance
Xeerpa integrates with experian
Xeerpa integrates with siebel
Xeerpa integrates with Qualifio
Xeerpa integrates with SAP Hybris
Xeerpa integrates with Emarsys
Xeerpa integrates with sugar CRM
Xeerpa integrates with BrainsCorp
Xeerpa trabaja con GSIC

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