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Book a free consultation

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BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION Book some time with one of our success managers to discuss your specific requirements and learn about best practices and use cases in your industry. We look forward to speaking with you!


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Webinar LaLiga Tech | Xeerpa: Building the most advanced fan profile In this online session on how Sports Organizations can build the most advanced 360 view of fans we had the pleasure to have Olivia Archanco, Consumer Strategy Director at LaLiga Tech, together with our Global Partnerships Director and co-founder Andrés Mercader, who shared how […]

Webinar on demand LaLiga Tech | Xeerpa: Building the most advanced Fan Profile

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In this online session on how Sports Organizations can build the most advanced 360 view of fans we had the pleasure to have Olivia Archanco, Consumer Strategy Director at LaLiga Tech, together with our Global Partnerships Director and co-founder Andrés Mercader, who shared how sports organizations can build the most advanced fan profile, the Fan […]


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Este mes de febrero tuvimos el placer de participar en TURISTECH BILBAO, dando nuestra visión sobre cómo las tecnologías de perfilado de usuarios de Xeerpa pueden ayudar a las empresas del sector Turismo a ser más efectivas, identificando audiencias concretas para lograr una mayor personalización. Por ejemplo, Xeerpa permite a las cadenas de hoteles y […]

Buyer Persona Generator

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Buyer Persona Generator Any business model requires a very well-defined target audience in order to succeed. A Buyer Persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer, helping you understand the key features that identify your potential customers. Having an accurate representation of what type of consumer will be more likely to purchase your products […]

Generador de Buyer Persona

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Generador de Buyer Persona Todos los modelos de negocio necesitan definir de la forma más clara y precisa posible a qué público se dirigen para ser exitosos. Un perfil Buyer Persona es una representación ficticia de nuestro cliente ideal, y es esencial su buena definición para poder entender cuáles son las características que definen a […]
