The Data Enrichment Solution

Transform your First-Party Data into personalized insights and activations

95% of users with Likes and Interests

of users share their Interests

34% increase in the reach of your Email Marketing Campaigns

increase in the reach of your Email Marketing Campaigns

15% improvement in the Click-Through Rate of your ads

improvement in the Click-Through Rate of your ads

How Xeerpa works

Connect with Xeerpa's social login


Use Xeerpa’s social login on all of your user-facing applications to convert visitors to leads faster, while building a robust social database –complete with user interests, hobbies, favorite restaurants and brands.

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Xeerpa analyzes your database and builds advanced user social profile


Calculate the social score of each of your users with Xeerpa’s 300+ social interest categories and customize your marketing actions to provide a highly personalized user experience for both current and potential customers.

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Integrate Xeerpa with your CRM or Data Warehouse


Combine Xeerpa’s social data with transactional user data: Xeerpa integrates easily with your CRM, Data Warehouse, Data Lake and marketing platforms to paint a full 360º image of each of your customers.

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