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ISO 27001, Information Security Stamp of Approval

  • Date:

We recently caught up with our Chief Information Security Officer at Xeerpa, Guillermo Cediel Blanco, on obtaining our recent ISO 27001, the international information security standard. We discussed the certification and data safeguards in general with him and a talked a bit about what the future holds. Xeerpa works processing information so certifying that our […]

What is Social CRM and Why Does Your Company Need It?

  • Date:

On March 8, Omar Rois, one of the founders of Xeerpa, was at Darwin SocialNoise surrounded by the stunning 19th century walls of their offices. He’d come with one purpose: show his audience the sexy side of the acronym CRM. It’s the side that looks each customer in the eye and wants to offer them […]

Xeerpa’s new and improved engagement scoring

  • Date:

In the world of social media marketing, it can be difficult to measure user engagement with your brand in a meaningful way that accounts for not only the quantitative sum of user interactions, but also the qualitative significance of each of these actions.   Thanks to some creative thinking, and some very fancy algorithms, we’ve […]
