At a time when 95% of users 18 to 34 are following brands in social media, not just their friends from high school, companies are now more aware than ever of the benefits of social login. Being able to collect as much information as possible about consumers without getting in the way of their experience where social login is used is making this system more common.


A Digitally Transformed Calidad Pascual

Yolanda Rozas, leader of Digital Transformation at Calidad Pascual, explained to the food industry marketing managers who attend at the breakfast meeting we organized recently at ISDI how they are leveraging on our technology. In 2015, Pascual decided to integrate Xeerpa’s tool into its own CRM database to sort information in an inexpensive and user-friendly way, safe in their knowledge that they were following data protection regulation to a T. They have permanent social login on the websites of some of their myriad brands which means, as Yolanda pointed out, that “more than 50% of [their] users share their data with us through Xeerpa.”
Calidad Pascual is using that data to qualify, capture, and segment their users as well as judge their engagement and they gave us a wide range of examples of how their strategy is helping them enhance their direct relationship with their customers, much of it due to the technology Xeerpa offers.


Desayuno en ISDI sobre social login con Xeerpa y Calidad Pascual

Personalize, personalize, personalize

During the Q&A after Calidad Pascual’s presentation, all the food industry marketing managers in attendance agreed that their customers value highly tailored actions, ones that address them specifically. Omar Rois, Xeerpa co-founder, had the figures to back that general feeling up: “Personalized emails get six times the conversion as emails that aren’t.”


GDPR compliance

Everyone at the table with their coffees in hand agreed that compliance with the new European General Data Protection Regulation was at the top of their priority list so naturally we discussed the issue. There was general concern about how the regulation was going to look in its definitive version, regulation that will allow users to control the personal data they share with companies. Even though there are still aspects up in the air, Rois reassured his friends and colleagues that at Xeerpa “we’ve prepared for every possibility” and that one of the challenges going forward would be to “seduce users, making them see that the goal of collecting information is to create a positive experience for them.”